Corporate Diplomacy: Overview

Successful practitioners of corporate diplomacy meld art and skill in engaging external stakeholders to advance their corporate interests. They craft international coalitions of stakeholders spanning politicians, regulators, bureaucrats, analysts, investors, lawyers, reporters, consumers and activists. They influence these stakeholders’ opinions, perceptions, behaviors and decisions so as to secure a favorable policy outcome, collective decision or shift in group opinion that enhances their corporation’s ability to generate a profit by satisfying a market demand. During this session, we draws on case studies of successful and failed implementation from the energy, financial, mining, tourism and construction sectors around the globe in order to develop an interdisciplinary framework that is the focus of a new book by Professor Henisz entitled Corporate Diplomacy: From First Contact to Relationship. The insights gained can be applied to influence team decision-making and organizational politics as well as by individuals and organizations in lobbying, marketing, sales, political campaigns and corporate, national or multilateral projections of soft power. Learning objectives include

Learning Objectives

  • Seeing the political risks and opportunities that impede or enable various strategies
  • Understanding the data you need to gather to assess these political and social risks and opportunities
  • Modeling political and social interactions to improve your ability to practice corporate diplomacy.